Determination of the Potency of Drugs used in Treatment of Type2 Diabete (A Case Study of Taraba State Specialist Hospital Jalingo)


  • Charity Ebelechukwu Okorie Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Federal University, Wukari, Nigeria
  • Martin Afam Nwaokolo Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Federal University, Wukari, Nigeria


Diabetes, Insulin, Diabetic-drugs, Variance, Potency


Diabetes is a medical condition in which the body cannot produce enough insulin to process the glucose in the blood. Type 2 diabetes is mostly diagnosed in order adults but it is increasingly seen in children, adolescent and younger adult. It is discovered that the rate at which patients are diagnosed of diabetes has been on the increase despite the series of diabetic drugs that are available. This prompted the researchers to carry out this research so as to determine the potency of drugs used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Data were collected from Specialist Hospital, Jalingo Taraba State. The data were used to obtain the relative potency and pooled variance as well as analyzing the potency of the diabetes drug. The result for the relative potency which is > 1 (1.62), means that the test preparation is less potent than the standard test preparation. We also observed that their confidence interval lies between (-12.88,17.05). Analyzing the significance difference between the standard test preparation and the test preparation, using the student t test we obtain calculated t=1.93 and the t value from the table=1.96. We conclude that since tcal=1.93 <ttab=1.96, we accept H1; and conclude that there is significant difference between Dji and Djk drugs (standard test preparation and test preparation respectively). This means that more effort is needed in the area of research for more diabetic drugs that will be highly effective in the treatment of diabetes.


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How to Cite

Determination of the Potency of Drugs used in Treatment of Type2 Diabete (A Case Study of Taraba State Specialist Hospital Jalingo). (2023). African Scientific Reports, 2(1), 63.



Original Research

How to Cite

Determination of the Potency of Drugs used in Treatment of Type2 Diabete (A Case Study of Taraba State Specialist Hospital Jalingo). (2023). African Scientific Reports, 2(1), 63.