Call for Editors
African Scientific Reports (ASR) , published by the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences, seeks applications from outstanding scientists in any field of Natural Sciences, Medical Sciences and Engineering with an international reputation for research excellence to contribute to the future direction of the journal and thought-provoking original research publications.
Role of Editor
1. Processing new manuscript submitted to the journal via the peer review process and ensuring that the reviewers and authors adhere strictly to the journal’s ethics.
2. Contributing to all aspects of manuscript processing from the initial scrutiny for plagiarism and ensure that the turn-it-in similarity index is kept below the minimum required by the journal.
3. Review and expand the pool of reviewers as necessary, in terms of size, topic specialty, and geographical representation.
4. Making periodic assessments of the editorial board and recommending changes when appropriate.
PhD in any area of Natural sciences, Medical sciences or Engineering.
Application Procedure
Interested candidates are requested to send their CV and covering letter to [email protected] for consideration. All applications will be judged on their merits with no regard to race, religion, nationality, sex, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the candidate.
December 20, 2021
Useful links
About the Journal:
About the Society: